Capacitación en Soldadura

Aprende con expertos en soldadura en Comodoro Rivadavia. ¡Inscribite ahora!

DL Capacitaciones

En DL Capacitaciones ofrecemos cursos teórico-prácticos en soldaduras, con más de 25 años de experiencia y un equipo calificado para formar a los mejores profesionales en la región.


Capacitación en Soldadura

Ofrecemos cursos teórico-prácticos en soldadura para profesionales y principiantes en Comodoro Rivadavia.

Cursos de Soldadura

Capacitación en diversos procesos de soldadura, adaptados a las necesidades del mercado laboral actual.

A group of people wearing protective face shields surrounds a person engaged in welding. Bright sparks and blue light emanate from the welding area, while smoke rises. The setting appears to be indoors with high ceilings and industrial elements, such as visible beams and windows.
A group of people wearing protective face shields surrounds a person engaged in welding. Bright sparks and blue light emanate from the welding area, while smoke rises. The setting appears to be indoors with high ceilings and industrial elements, such as visible beams and windows.
Taller Práctico

Contamos con un taller equipado y un equipo de expertos para guiarte en tu aprendizaje.

A person is engaged in welding, wearing a protective helmet with flame designs. Bright sparks are flying around, and a blue light emits from the welding area. The setting appears to be an industrial workshop with metallic surfaces and various equipment in the background.
A person is engaged in welding, wearing a protective helmet with flame designs. Bright sparks are flying around, and a blue light emits from the welding area. The setting appears to be an industrial workshop with metallic surfaces and various equipment in the background.

Cursos completos

Explora nuestros cursos de soldadura teórico-prácticos en acción.